I had such fun photographing a Ruby-throated Hummingbird at the Orlando Wetlands last weekend, and I really loved the photos I took of the little green, brown and white bird.
But the more I looked at my pictures and edited them, the more my mind kept going over things I could have done differently. I could have increased my shutter speed. I could have been shooting from a lower position, perhaps seated instead of standing. I could have gotten there earlier with better lighting. I could have been a little closer, even with my long lens.
So, when I took a day off from work in the middle of the week to recover from a long weekend of breaking news, I realized I had an opportunity for a second chance to photograph the hummingbird. And it was absolutely fantastic.
First, when I arrived there was not just one hummingbird, but at least two. (I swear there was a third one flitting around, but it was hard to keep track).
Second, the little birds put on quite a show for me as they fed at the firebush then darted away and returned – over and over. They even took little breaks resting on some nearby shrub branches.
I am so happy with the results of my second opportunity photographing them. Now, if one of the more colorful males would just show up, that would be fantastic.