One of the cool benefits of visiting the Orlando Wetlands regularly is witnessing little baby birds growing into big birds.
That was so evident this past weekend when I was there and came across the Black-necked Stilt chicks I photographed in early June and a Sandhill Crane colt I took pictures of back in March and April.
It is amazing how quickly birds grow — but that’s part of their path to survival. Little birds are easy pickings for predators.
Unfortunately that was the case for one of the trio of Black-necked Stilt chicks I originally photographed. There are only two now, but they seem to be doing fine.
The Sandhill Crane colt — the one from the family that had just the one colt — likewise appears to be thriving.
Here are some before and after photos of the little birds growing up.
That was then…

This is now …

That was then…

This is now …