It was cold on Saturday on Jan. 20. Very cold and very windy. But the sun was expected to shine – something that has happened in a while when I have tried to go birding.
So, I decided to make the most of what has been rare January sunshine and hit up both Orlando Wetlands and the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Sort of a birding doubleheader. But I hit the Daily Double for these trips.
At the Wetlands I came across three different Bald Eagles. Apparently, in addition to OW’s regular nesting pair, there’s another pair of nesting Bald Eagles in adjacent Seminole Ranch. I also spotted the resident Sandhill Crane couple, appearing to build a nest in the same spot where they nested last year and successfully hatched two colts.
Over at Merritt Island, I was able to fulfill two goals: Get more pictures of Painted Buntings and get pictures of American Kestrels not on a powerline. The Buntings were the easier part of the task, since they hang around the Visitor Center at MINWR. The Kestrel goal has been an elusive one, but along Biolab Road I came across one of the little raptors who stayed in a palm and another tree enough for me to take pictures.
It was a GREAT day of birding for me.
Bald Eagle, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024.Bald Eagle, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024.Bald Eagle, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024. When you see al the birds suddenly take flight, you know an Eagle is around.Snowy Egret, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024. Bird with a little snack.Snowy Egret, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024. A very cold looking bird on a very cold day.Common Gallinules, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024. These two are fighting or something – look at those legs!Black Vulture, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024. “Open wide and say ‘Ahhhh,'”Sandhill Crane, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024, Doing neck stretches.Male Painted Bunting, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Male Painted Bunting, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Male Painted Bunting, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Female Painted Bunting, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024. A splash of pink against bright blue sky.American Wigeon duck, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Gull and Captian Tern, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024. Gull chases Tern to try to get its fish.Bonaparte’s Gull, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024. A new-to-me bird.Reddish Egret, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Ring-billed Gull, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.American Kestrel, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.American Kestrel, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Florida Scrub-Jay, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Florida Scrub-Jay, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Florida Scrub-Jay, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.
On several birding Facebook groups I’ve been seeing photos of a cute little bird called a Black-and-White Warbler. Then, Tuesday morning, I looked out in my backyard and saw one hopping around on the truck of our Sweet Gum Tree.