St. Augustine can be a great place to go birding, with miles of beaches, a great state park and one very bird-friendly alligator attraction.
Tag: Ring-billed Gull
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Gull vs. fish: You’re going to need a bigger beak
Along Black Point Wildlife Drive I caught sight of a young Ring-billed Gull fishing in a little pond next to the road. This bird dreams big.
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Birding doubleheader: OW, MINWR trips prove winners
I decided to make the most of what has been rare January sunshine and hit up both Orlando Wetlands and the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Sort of a birding doubleheader. But I hit the Daily Double for these trips.
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Birds are definitely back at Black Point
An early morning visit to Merritt Island delivered Roseate Spoonbills Wood Storks, Reddish Egrets, Great Herons, Osprey, Scrub-Jays and lots and lots of different ducks.