Took a quick trip up to western North Carolina between Christmas and New Year’s Day to visit family. As a bonus, I got to photograph a handful of new-to-me birds around Lake Junaluska plus some other familiar ones who were settling in for the winter.
With temperatures in the 30s and 40s, I was surprised by how many birds were out and about around the lake. And maybe it was the colder temps or just familiarity with folks, but most of these birds had no problem with letting me approach them and take photos.
Here are some of my favorite pics from the North Carolina trip.
Whenever I hear “Prairie Warbler,” I think of Little House on the Prairie and the Midwest. But this little yellow and black bird is a year-round Florida resident.
When I see a male Red-winged Blackbird, with his colorful red, yellow and black wings, it’s hard not to stop and take a few pictures. The females are equally intriguing.
An early morning visit to Merritt Island delivered Roseate Spoonbills Wood Storks, Reddish Egrets, Great Herons, Osprey, Scrub-Jays and lots and lots of different ducks.