I love exploring, and recently I took an early morning trip to Brownie Wise Park in Kissimmee hoping to photograph some migrating warblers. I did see a few little birds, but it was the big ones that got my attention: a nesting pair of Bald Eagles.
They were the first I had seen in the area since May, and it was great to have the Bald Eagles back in the region. The first one I saw was sitting on a nesting platform by Lake Toho as the sun came up. I spotted the second one in a tree near where nesting area had been marked off by the park.
I got to see them fly back and forth between the nest area and the lake during the morning as they gathered nesting material or fish. It was a real treat.
I also found some of the little warblers I had been hoping to find. More on them later, as well as more about the historic spot that is Brownie Wise Park.