The Federal Communications Commission has set Friday as the deadline for those opposed to the sale of public broadcaster WMFE to make their case.
According to, ‘”The deadline to file a petition to deny is 5/6/11, and all related filings should reference MB Docket No. 11-75 and File No. BALEDT-20110401ACW.”
As you likely know, Orlando’s money-troubled PBS affiliate announced last month that it had entered into a deal to be acquired by Texas religious broadcaster Daystar TV for about $3 million. Unless there is some reason for the FCC to block the sale, WMFE is expected to flip off its PBS programming and become the area’s fourth religious broadcaster after WTGL-Ch. 45, WHLV-Ch. 52 and WACX-Ch. 55.
However, as noted, “We’re not exactly sure what would constitute an actionable objection to the sale of this station. Daystar has the portfolio to prove that it is a qualified licensee. Some may bemoan the loss of PBS programming; others may welcome the advent of Daystar programming. The FCC does not delve into programming matters and can offer no help on that count to either side. We suspect this deal with go through according to the agreement between the two parties.”