The sheer amount and different species of birds that have returned to the area for migration is impressive.
Tag: Pie-billed Grebe
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Egrets, eagles and other birds at Merritt Island
I really enjoy visiting the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge for birding, especially early in the morning.
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Enjoying late winter, early spring at Orlando Wetlands
I haven’t been able to go as often as I did last year, but each trip usually includes some special moment involving birds or other creatures who live there.
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Trying to do some birding in the new year
Between clouds and rain showers, I was able to visit my three go-to spots for birding – Orlando Wetlands, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive – in the first two weeks of January.
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These birds beat the heat at Orlando Wetlands
I spent a hot, humid morning at the Orlando Wetlands on Saturday, July 29, and I was surprised by the number of birds that I saw.