The falcon decided to swoop down from a powerline in search of a meal from the ducks and coots in one of the ponds.
Tag: Northern Harrier
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On the coast: Birds back after the storm
It wasn’t until fairly recently that Black Point Wildlife Drive and Bio Lab Road re-opened. Some other areas still remain closed because of high water or flooding damage.
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Five raptors in one day at Orlando Wetlands
Peregrine Falcons, Bald Eagles, American Kestrels and Northern Harriers returning to the area for winter have joined the year-round raptor residents, the Red-shouldered Hawks.
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Fort Zachary Taylor in Key West delivers on birding promise
I spent more than an hour walking around the park and coming across many birds, including lots of warblers plus some birds of prey.
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Bald Eagle flyby at sunset – great way to end a day
Near sunset, as the winds died down and I was leaving the park, a Bald Eagle flew over my head, then circled back and flew directly over me.