Seeing a little Bald Eagle eaglet and a Red-tailed Hawk were two of the highlights of my recent trip to Lake Apopka.
Tag: Belted Kingfisher

Christmas visit to Merritt Island
The Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is a wonderful gift to birders and nature-lovers, so why not spend part of Christmas Day there?

My Top 25 favorite photos of 2024
As I completed my second year of birding in 2024, I added 76 new species. Some even made it into my top 25 favorite photographs of the year.

Peregrine Falcon in flight at Lake Apopka
The falcon decided to swoop down from a powerline in search of a meal from the ducks and coots in one of the ponds.

Merritt Island becomes a mecca for birds
The sheer amount and different species of birds that have returned to the area for migration is impressive.

On the coast: Birds back after the storm
It wasn’t until fairly recently that Black Point Wildlife Drive and Bio Lab Road re-opened. Some other areas still remain closed because of high water or flooding damage.

Catching a Belted Kingfisher with a camera is a challenge
These little grey-and-white birds never seem to sit still for very long – preferring to flit about as they look for a fish or shrimp to catch from a pond, river or lagoon.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks at Orlando Wetlands
These strange-looking brown, black and white ducks with pink feet have a special place in my heart.

Trying to do some birding in the new year
Between clouds and rain showers, I was able to visit my three go-to spots for birding – Orlando Wetlands, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive – in the first two weeks of January.

Birds are definitely back at Black Point
An early morning visit to Merritt Island delivered Roseate Spoonbills Wood Storks, Reddish Egrets, Great Herons, Osprey, Scrub-Jays and lots and lots of different ducks.