Northern Parulas are colorful little warblers who visit Florida for breeding season.
But … “They breed from Florida north to the boreal forest of Canada, but skip parts of Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and some states in the Northeast. The reason for their absence may have to do with habitat loss and increasing air pollution, which affects the growth of moss on trees that they depend on for nesting,” notes.
I first photographed Northern Parulas at the Orlando Wetlands. Then I spotted them at the UCF Arboretum, and finally I found some right in my own yard.
Here are some of my favorite pictures of Northern Parulas, taken since January 2023.
Northern Parula, Orlando Wetlands, March 2024.Northern Parula, Orlando Wetlands, March 2024.Northern Parula, Orlando Wetlands, March 2024.Northern Parula, Orlando Wetlands, March 2024.A Northern Parula is spotted at Orlando Wetlands Park in May 2023.This Nothern Parula is giving me a “really? you need another shot of me?” look at Orlando Wetlands Park on May 23, 2023.A Northern Parula peeks in on the activities below at Orlando Wetlands Park in May 2023.A tiny Northern Parula grabs an even tinier worm from a plant at Orlando Wetlands Park on May 23, 2023.A Northern Parula sits – briefly – in a branch at the UCF Arboretum in July 2023. The little birds are members of the Warbler family.A Northern Parula gives me a quizzical look at the UCF Arboretum in July 2023. Are these birds stalking me?A Northern Parula makes a visit to the UCF Arboretum in July 2023.A Northern Parula sits up high in a tree in my front yard in July 2023.An immature Northern Parula visits my backyard in July 2023.