I didn’t have to go far for my pictures of Black-and-White Warblers. They were in my backyard.
And that makes me pretty lucky. Black-and-White Warblers travel as far north as northern Canada to breed, but they can be found as far south as South America during non-breeding times.
I first noticed one in my backyard in October 2023. A second visit came on Thanksgiving Day. Now I am hoping for more visits.
As AllAboutBirds.org notes, “One of the earliest-arriving migrant warblers, the Black-and-white Warbler’s thin, squeaky song is one of the first signs that spring birding has sprung.”
The other interesting fact the website said about Black-and-White Warblers is that they have extra-long hind claws, which help them hold onto and move around on bark on trees while looking for bugs to eat.
Here are some of my favorite backyard pictures of Black-and-White Warblers.
Black-and-white Warbler, outside my house, April 2023.Black-and-white Warbler, Ferndale Preserve in Lake County, September 2024.This Black-and-White Warbler visited my backyard on Thanksgiving Day 2023, and it was the first time I had seen on the birds in my backyard in more than a month.This Black and White Warbler looks directly into my camera during its Thanksgiving Day 2023 visit to my backyard.This Black and White Warbler has a good grip on the bark of an oak tree in my backyard in November 2023. They have extra long claws that help them to hang on to bark.This Black and White Warbler visited my backyard on Thanksgiving Day 2023, and it was the first time I had seen on the birds in my backyard in more than a month.“I see you,” seems to be what this Black-and-White Warbler is saying while ducking behind a branch in my backyard in November 2023.Do not adjust your computer or phone. This little Black-and-White Warbler is walking around an oak tree limb upside down in my backyard in November 2023.A Black-and-White Warbler in my backyard in October 2023.This Black-and-White Warbler grabs a little piece of bark for a snack in my backyard in October 2023.A male Black-and-White Warbler hunts for some food in the bark of a tree in my backyard in October 2023.A Black-and-White Warbler visits my backyard in October 2023.