Walter Cronkite passed away Friday night. I never met him — and although he never knew it, he had a big impact on my life. Growing up as a kid in Miami, our TV was tuned every weeknight to Walter and the CBS Evening News. Seeing him report on big stories from all…
WESH’s Payne-Sugalski about to knock off WFTV’s Opsahl-Salt?
We’re in the dog days of summer. The Casey Anthony case has cooled down, the tropics are relatively quiet, and other than the python-killing mania sweeping the state, there’s not much going on. That’s why the folks in the Orlando Sentinel’s marketing department decided to shake up the summer a bit. They’ve…
Orlando gets a new Spanish-language channel on WKCF
The Spanish-language offerings on Orlando TV are about to get more diverse. WESH-2, WKCF-CW 18 and parent Hearst Television announced Thursday a partnership with Liberman Broadcasting to offer its Estrella TV to Central Florida viewers. Estrealla, which broadcasts original Spanish-language content produced in the United States, will appear on WKCF’s digital…
Local 6, Fox 35 and News 13 start pooling coverage as experiment
Orlando’s TV news departments have jumped into the pool — hoping to save a splash of cash. Following a national trend, the newsrooms at WKMG-Local 6, WOFL-Fox 35 and Central Florida News 13 have startinged pooling their video on certain assignments. reports that the experiment began Tuesday, and it…
These Fox 35 reporters aren’t singing in the rain
If you live in Central Florida, chances are you’ve been caught in an unexpected thunderstorm. You know what it’s like — the weather is fine one minute, and the next it’s time to start building an ark. That’s situation a couple of reporters for Central Florida’s self-proclaimed “Weather Authority” experienced…
Longo lands at Central Florida News 13
Some quick hits to start your week: Nice to see reporter Adam Longo bounce back from WKMG’s downsizing. He’s got a gig with Central Florida News 13. His bio on the Web site says he’s weekend anchor, although I spotted him doing live shots on Friday when a busload…
WOFL hires Pittsburgh anchor for evening newscasts
WOFL has found a replacement for anchor Corrina Sullivan, who decided not to return to the station after her maternity leave. The newcomer is Sonni Abatta, currently the morning anchor at Pittsburgh CBS O&O KDKA. Sentinel TV Guy Hal Boedeker says she will start at the station on July 20, and…
WFTV analog signoff was the cat’s meow
I’m still catching up on all the stuff I missed while I was occupied elsewhere. So, what about that analog switch off? Again, I missed it, but there was a nice touch with WFTV-Channel 9’s signoff. Included with the current WFTV logo was a version of the station’s first logo…
Magic memories and other news I missed
Catching up on news that happened while I was occupied redesigning Central Florida’s most popular local Web site (you know which one) … During the Orlando Magic’s amazing run to the NBA Finals, I heard from former WESH meteorologist Chris Castleman. He was with WESH-2 during the Magic’s first run…
Disney monorail crash video obtained by WKMG
WKMG-Local 6 scored a significant scoop when it obtained — and gained an exclusive license — for video showing the immediate aftermath of Disney World’s deadly monorail train crash. The compelling video from early Sunday morning was shot just after one monorail train plowed into another at the resort, killing…