During my evening trip, I was able to photograph a number of birds that had golden hues, thanks to the setting sun.
Category: Birds
Pictures of the birds I have encountered during my photography adventure.

Spending an evening with Sandhill Crane families
There was a Sandhill Crane family with a two-week old colt and another with a pair of month-old colts.

Exploring some new places on Merritt Island
This year, I’ve been trying to explore different areas – including Gator Creek, East Gator Creek and Biolab roads. They offer a great habitat for wading birds and more.

Enjoying late winter, early spring at Orlando Wetlands
I haven’t been able to go as often as I did last year, but each trip usually includes some special moment involving birds or other creatures who live there.

Yellow Bird Day: Yellow-Throated Warbler, American Goldfinch and Meadowlark
I visited a Meadowlark on Joe Overstreet Road in Osceola County, while a Yellow-throated Warbler and an American Goldfinch visited me in my backyard.

Look and listen: Yep, Northern Parulas are back
These colorful little warblers are here for breeding season. In recent days I have heard them around my house and at the Wetlands, but I had not been able to spot one, let alone photograph one.

Photo story: Savannah Sparrows play king of the post
A group of Savannah Sparrows were congregated near an old fence post that seemed to be a prime place to land.

Playing catch-up. Highlights from some recent outings
My February included trips to Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orlando Wetlands, Joe Overstreet Road in Osceola County and Merritt Island Wildlife Drive.

Birding Holiday: Spending Presidents’ Day at Fort DeSoto
Even with getting stuck in I-4 traffic, this holiday trip to Fort DeSoto was worth it for the shore birds I was able to photograph near sunset.

Roseates are back, making Orlando Wetlands more colorful
Last year, there were Roseates everywhere at the Wetlands in January and February – but I had not seen nearly as many this year.