The colts are about a month old now and are losing their down feathers and starting to get their regular body and wing feathers.
Category: Orlando Wetlands

Roseate Report: Spoonie season in high gear
Lots of birders are flocking to Orlando Wetlands as many Roseate Spoonbills nests are filled with babies or anxious expectant parents.

Sandhill Crane colts facts: They grow up fast
Young sandhill Crane colts have quite the growth spurt, growing an inch a day between 10 and 30 days of age.

Diversity is part Orlando Wetlands’ lure
Most folks flock to the park to see the Roseate Spoonbills or the Sandhill Cranes with their colts, but there are so many other birds around.

Sandhill Crane colts have arrived
The pair of crane babies are just a few days old but already are drawing a lot of attention from photographers and other visitors.

Roseates are building excitement at Orlando Wetlands
Many of the Roseates’ nests are located just off the Cypress Boardwalk, giving observers an up-close view of home-improvement projects.

Great Egrets add touch of elegance to Orlando Wetlands
Resplendent in white with just a touch of green and yellow, the chic Great Egrets put on quite a show during breeding season.

Roseate Spoonbills start nesting at Orlando Wetlands
On a recent sunset trip to the Orlando Wetlands, I saw many of the big pink birds gathering their nesting material.

It’s Roseate Spoonbill season at Orlando Wetlands
The Orlando Wetlands is one of the best places to see Roseates since many of their nests are easily viewed from the Cypress Boardwalk.

Robins are roaming through Central Florida
This is the time of year that huge flocks of American Robins can be spotted flying around Central Florida as they settle in for the winter.