It’s more colorful at the Orlando Wetlands with the return of pink Roseate Spoonbills and the arrival of blue-and-white Tree Swallows
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Merritt Island becomes a mecca for birds
The sheer amount and different species of birds that have returned to the area for migration is impressive.
Snow Bunting a true snowbird visitor to Florida
This beautiful little bird is typically spends its summers in the arctic areas and winters in southern Canada or northern U.S. states.
A little time for the little birds
It’s the time of the year when little birds – warblers, wrens, sparrows and others – seem to be just about everywhere.
Thanksgiving with Vermilion Flycatcher
This little lost bird has become quite the attraction – no doubt due to his fearlessness and his location.
On the coast: Birds back after the storm
It wasn’t until fairly recently that Black Point Wildlife Drive and Bio Lab Road re-opened. Some other areas still remain closed because of high water or flooding damage.
Circle of life: Breakfast with Peregrine Falcon
Yards in front of my car, a Peregrine Falcon swooped down and grabbed a Common Gallinule, taking the bird to the top of a power pole for breakfast.
Lost Vermilion Flycatcher now a big celebrity
A wayward male Vermilion Flycatcher has become quite the attraction at the Orlando Wetlands after possibly being brought to the area by a recent hurricane..
Five raptors in one day at Orlando Wetlands
Peregrine Falcons, Bald Eagles, American Kestrels and Northern Harriers returning to the area for winter have joined the year-round raptor residents, the Red-shouldered Hawks.
Catching a Belted Kingfisher with a camera is a challenge
These little grey-and-white birds never seem to sit still for very long – preferring to flit about as they look for a fish or shrimp to catch from a pond, river or lagoon.