A friend told me about this spectacle at the inlet, where Ospreys circle overhead hunting for fish then come crashing down to make a catch.
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It’s Roseate Spoonbill season at Orlando Wetlands
The Orlando Wetlands is one of the best places to see Roseates since many of their nests are easily viewed from the Cypress Boardwalk.

Gull vs. fish: You’re going to need a bigger beak
Along Black Point Wildlife Drive I caught sight of a young Ring-billed Gull fishing in a little pond next to the road. This bird dreams big.

Christmas visit to Merritt Island
The Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is a wonderful gift to birders and nature-lovers, so why not spend part of Christmas Day there?

My Top 25 favorite photos of 2024
As I completed my second year of birding in 2024, I added 76 new species. Some even made it into my top 25 favorite photographs of the year.

Finding a Whooping Crane in Osceola County
Whooping Cranes are among the largest birds in North America, and these endangered birds are also among the rarest on the continent.

Robins are roaming through Central Florida
This is the time of year that huge flocks of American Robins can be spotted flying around Central Florida as they settle in for the winter.

Hooded Mergansers seem to be everywhere
Over the past several weeks I have come across a lot of Hooded Mergansers in different locations – some totally unexpected.

Peregrine Falcon in flight at Lake Apopka
The falcon decided to swoop down from a powerline in search of a meal from the ducks and coots in one of the ponds.

Pelicans, terns mark change of seasons on Merritt Island
I took trip to MINWR a few days before Christmas, and the place was teeming with many different birds who arrived for the winter.