Some comings and goings in O-Town TV news: Emily Turner is joining WFTV-Channel 9 as a general assignment reporter, beginning in September. Turner is currently at WPMI-NBC 15 in Mobile. She’s originally from Jacksonville, and she attended the University of Florida. WOFL morning traffic reporter and weather guy Cris Martinez is leaving Fox…
WESH anchors keep rolling in Celebrity Smackdown game
The WESH duo of Jim Payne and Martha Sugalski dispatched WKMG’s main anchors to move into the third round of’s Celebrity Smackdown game. Also advancing to face the Channel 2 Cinderellas — the anchors of WFTV’s top-rated Daybreak show, Greg Warmoth and Vanessa Echols. Earlier, Payne and Sugalski upset…
Whoa! Something’s changed about
If you’re a regular visitor to, you may notice things are a little different. In a good news-bad news situation, traffic to has been great — so great that the site was putting too much of a load on my Web host. I was told I needed to…
One small step for man, one giant ratings leap for Channel 9
WFTV’s Monday night special, recalling the Apollo moon landing 40 years ago, proved very popluar. According to WFTV news director Bob Jordan, the space special drew a 3.7 rating and 14 share in the coveted 25-54 demo. “That’s more than ANY newscast Tuesday on WESH, WKMG or WOFL. Kudos to…
WESH duo move on; Can Mainolfi knock off Terry?
WESH’s Jim Payne and Martha Sugalski knocked off top-rated WFTV anchors Bob Opsahl and Martie Salt. Not in the Nielsens, but in the first round of the Orlando Sentinel’s Celebrity Smackdown game. Payne and Sugalski scored a first-round upset over the Channel 9 duo in voting on Payne and…
Man suspected of shooting officer confesses to WFTV
You probably saw or read coverage about the massive manhunt in Brevard County for Christopher Eddy. He was accused of shooting a wildlife officer. The prosecutor’s job in the case got a lot easier after Eddy confessed … on camera to WFTV-Channel 9. “Why did I shoot the person? Because I…
Orlando Police ask WFTV for correction
The Orlando Police Department is taking WFTV-Channel 9 to task for a mistake it says aired on Eyewitness News on Friday. Police spokeswoman Sgt. Barb Jones sent an email to all Orlando media on Monday morning requesting WFTV correct the mistake. Here’s the text of Jones’ rather extraordinary email: “The…
Remembering legendary journalist Walter Cronkite and his Central Florida ties
Walter Cronkite passed away Friday night. I never met him — and although he never knew it, he had a big impact on my life. Growing up as a kid in Miami, our TV was tuned every weeknight to Walter and the CBS Evening News. Seeing him report on big stories from all…
WESH’s Payne-Sugalski about to knock off WFTV’s Opsahl-Salt?
We’re in the dog days of summer. The Casey Anthony case has cooled down, the tropics are relatively quiet, and other than the python-killing mania sweeping the state, there’s not much going on. That’s why the folks in the Orlando Sentinel’s marketing department decided to shake up the summer a bit. They’ve…
Orlando gets a new Spanish-language channel on WKCF
The Spanish-language offerings on Orlando TV are about to get more diverse. WESH-2, WKCF-CW 18 and parent Hearst Television announced Thursday a partnership with Liberman Broadcasting to offer its Estrella TV to Central Florida viewers. Estrealla, which broadcasts original Spanish-language content produced in the United States, will appear on WKCF’s digital…