Imagine my surprise as I came around a corner and there was the bobcat sitting on the side of the road – like it was waiting for me to take its picture.

Clock ticking on Roseate Spoonbills at Orlando Wetlands
Orlando Wetlands has been full of Roseate Spoonbills this spring, but time is running out on how much longer the pink birds will be around.

Great Egret chicks at Orlando Wetlands
Near sunset one day, I spotted one nest at the wetlands that included three chicks. There was also a parent, who appeared to be overwhelmed.

Birds that aren’t pink. Some other wetlands favorites
From owls, to wading birds to birds that are red and black in color, there are lot of subjects waiting to be photographed.

Black-and-white Warbler tops the yard bird update
The Black-and-white Warbler wasn’t the only bird who decided to drop by my yard for a visit. Here are some of my recent guests.

Spotlighting the ‘other’ birds at the wetlands
The Roseate Spoonbills and baby Barred Owls get a lot of the attention, but there are so many photogenic birds at the Orlando Wetlands this time of year.

Finally met Barred Owl babies at the wetlands
I’d met their parents before, but I finally got to see the two Barred Owl owlets at the Orlando Wetlands

Can’t get enough of Roseate Spoonbills
Whether they are just standing still or flying across the landscape, these birds are so photogenic.

Oh, baby! Little Roseate Spoonbills at Orlando Wetlands
A lot of folks are tickled pink over the arrival some “teaspoons” – an affection nickname for baby Roseate Spoonbills

Meeting Barred Owl family at Mead Garden
After my tour of Mead Garden with the Orange Audubon Society group, I decided to return and see if I could spot some birds I missed on the previous trip: a family of Barred Owls. I saw a youngster with the Audubon group, but he was far away and it…