It was a windy, cloudy Saturday when my wife Lisa and I decided to visit the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, but we had a goal in mind: Try to see a Painted Bunting.
Author: Roger Simmons

Shy guy likes to blend in: American Bittern
They’re really shy birds – not sure if it’s because they have a really interesting call. To me it sounds like an amplified version of water dripping.

Little Green Heron grabs a little lunch
The Green Heron is one of the smallest of the different herons we see in Central Florida, but that small size just makes them more stealthy.

Pictures: Roger’s favorite photos
This is an ever-changing gallery of my favorite photographs taken in Central Florida and elsewhere.

Cedar Waxwings: When 50-plus birds drop by
I had quite a surprise this evening when looked up in our still-bare Winged Elm tree and noticed a flock of Cedar Waxwings was visiting.

Checking in on the babies at wetlands park
I visited near sunset on Tuesday and ended up seeing three sets of youngsters – baby Roseate Spoonbills, baby Great Egrets and, of course, Sandhill Crane colts.

Northern Shoveler shows his true colors
The Northern Shoveler isn’t just your average duck. He’s a bit two-faced.

Northern Flicker: Not your average woodpecker
He looks a little different from his woodpecker cousins. And he acts a little different than other woodpeckers, too.

These herons are creatures of the night
There are several different types of herons, but a couple are harder to find than others.

Baby Sandhill Crane colts make debut
Some baby Sandhill Cranes hatched late last week at Orlando Wetlands Park. The two-day-old birds were the focus of lots of attention – not just from their parents.