December is such a wonderful month, with lots of holiday cheer. And it’s just a bit more cheery and colorful at the Orlando Wetlands now with the return of the pretty pink Roseate Spoonbills and the arrival of striking blue-and-white Tree Swallows.
I visited the wetlands on Dec. 8 and was so happy to see nearly 10 Roseates had arrived to spend the winter. I know a lot more will be coming soon and brighten the place for several months.
But I was also surprised to see hundreds of Tree Swallows, beautiful and tiny blue-and-white birds that dart quickly and zig-zag across the sky. I may have missed it last year at this time, but I didn’t remember seeing so many of them before at the wetlands.
And to show how fast seasons can change, I watched as a pair of Great Blue Herons started working on a nest near the boardwalk. They would fly away to get branches and twigs for their nest and return with the building materials. I guess it won’t be too long before there will be baby birds arriving.
There were other colorful birds too, as well as a Bald Eagle who reminded me of a Christmas tree topper.
It’s a great holiday season!