It’s been difficult finding days to go birding as the calendar has turned to 2024. The weather has not been cooperating with my schedule.
But between clouds and rain showers, I was able to visit my three go-to spots for birding – Orlando Wetlands, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive – in the first two weeks of January.
Here are some of my favorite shots from those trips.
Roseate Spoonbill, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024.Roseate Spoonbill, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024.Roseate Spoonbill, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024.Turkey Vulture, Orlando Wetlands, January 2024.Roseate Spoonbill, Black Point Wildlife Drive on Merritt Island, January 2024.Reddish Egret, Black Point Wildlife Drive on Merritt Island, January 2024.Reddish Egret, Black Point Wildlife Drive on Merritt Island, January 2024.Reddish Egret, Black Point Wildlife Drive on Merritt Island, January 2024.Grebe, Black Point Wildlife Drive on Merritt Island, January 2024.Northern Flicker, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Osprey, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Osprey, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, January 2024.Wood Stork, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.Grey-headed Swamphen, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.Belted Kingfisher, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.Eastern Phoebe, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.Great Blue Heron, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024. It’s nesting season already.Juvenile White Ibis, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.American Kestrel, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.American Kestrel, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, January 2024.
These little grey-and-white birds never seem to sit still for very long – preferring to flit about as they look for a fish or shrimp to catch from a pond, river or lagoon.