On my way to the office on Wednesday, I stopped by Mead Gardens in Winter Park hoping to spend a few quick minutes photographing a bird or two. I found my way to the park fine, but someone else was apparently lost.
Meet Wilson’s Warbler, a colorful little bird that isn’t supposed to be in Florida. In fact, the range map for Wilson’s Warbler shows it visits just about everywhere in the U.S., Canada and Central America but not Florida. They breed in Canada and Alaska, for heavens sake!
To be honest, I wouldn’t have even noticed this bird if it weren’t for a group for birders who were specifically looking for it. I was thinking, “good luck with that” and about to walk away from the group when the little bird appeared.
It is tiny, only about 4 inches in length and weighs just .02 to .03 ounces. And like other warblers, it never seemed to sit still for more than a second or two before jumping onto a different branch or tree. The males are notable for the little black cap on their head.
Well, Mr. Wilson. I’m sure glad you got lost in the Sunshine State.