Pictures: American Oystercatchers Roger Simmons, June 1, 2023August 6, 2023 Some photographs of American Oystercatchers, taken at Fort DeSoto Park near St. Pete Beach on May 26, 2023. Click on an image to view a larger version of that photo on desktop devices or to see a photo’s caption. American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher fishes for some food at North Beach at Fort DeSoto Park in May 2023.American OystercatcherAmerican OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher parent sits on the ground and surrounds its wings to protect its chicks at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherA female American Oystercatcher walks on North Beach at Fort DeSoto Park in May 2023, Her nest on the ground can be seen in the background on the left.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher takes flight at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher zooms in low across at tidal pool at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherA pair of American Oystercatcher chicks roam North Beach at Fort DeSoto Park in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick gets a meal from its mother while its father stands nearby at Fort DeSoto Park;'s North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher father provides a little snack for one of his chicks at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick is off exploring along the edge of tidal pool at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher looks for food in a lagoon at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherA pair of American Oystercatcher chicks wade into a tidal pool at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherThree American Oystercatcher chick siblings wander around a tidal pool at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick struts along North Beach at Fort DeSoto Park in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick is waiting on a meal from its parents at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher looks for food in a lagoon at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick wades into a tidal pool at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher mom, named AE, looks for food for two of her three chicks, who wait impatiently nearby, at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick ties its hand at foraging for food in a tidal pool at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick gobbles down a snack provided by its mother at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick, with its partially orange bill, stands out at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAmerican OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher takes flight on Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick goes high-stepping across North Beach at Fort DeSoto Park in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick takes a stroll along North Beach at Fort DeSoto Park in May 2023.American OystercatcherIt's a great, big world for this American Oystercatcher chick at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher dad keeps tabs on his three nearby chicks at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherAn American Oystercatcher chick hangs out with its dad while a sibling rests in the background at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherA male American Oystercatcher slashes around in a tidal pool at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023.American OystercatcherA male American Oystercatcher calls out to its mate and its chicks on North Beach at Fort DeSoto Park in May 2023.American OystercatcherTwo American Oystercatcher parents walk around Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach while keeping a close eye on their three chicks in May 2023.American OystercatcherA mated pair of American Oystercatchers have a family discussion at Fort DeSoto Park's North Beach in May 2023. Share on Social Media x facebook reddit email Photo Galleries American OystercatcherFort DeSoto Park
All Pictures: Northern Parula May 25, 2023August 11, 2023 Photos I took of some Northern Parulas, who were at Orlando Wetlands Park in May 2023. Read More
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