In the short time I have been doing bird photography I have found there are some birds that are harder to photograph than others. I call them my nemesis birds, and the Northern Parula was on that list.
This little warbler flits around quickly from limb to limb, is tough to spot and even tougher to try to get in a clear view. I’ve tried photographing Northern Parulas a couple of times at Orlando Wetlands Park and the results were disappointing. Either the bird was obscured or I had a clear shot that was not in focus, because the bird kept moving around too much and I couldn’t focus as quickly as needed.
But finally, I conquered this nemesis with an early morning visit to OWP. I spotted this male Northern Parula hoping among the branches in some trees along the path to the Cypress Boardwalk. I took about 100 pictures of him and got maybe 10 that I thought were decent.
Here are few of this newly vanquished bird: