On every trip out to photograph birds, I hope for at least one special moment. On a trip to Orlando Wetlands Park on May 6, I had not one, but two special moments — and they both involved the same bird.
This Barred Owl was hanging out by the side of the road to OWP just after sunrise. I stopped on the road to take a picture of him/her sitting on a metal sign.
I got a picture but it was early, lighting wasn’t great and – as I said – he was on a metal sign. Not the greatest nature picture. But it was special and I went on to OWP.
A couple of hours later as I was leaving OWP, I saw the owl again — flying up into a tree next to the road. The setting was perfect, and now I have some nice shots. You can even see my white SUV in the reflection in his/her eyes in the close-up photo.
‘Who’ made my day? This guy.