Orlando TV viewers didn’t see it — since the local stations were in wall-to-wall coverage — but three of the big four national networks broke into programming for the Casey Anthony trial verdict.
ABC News aired a special report from 2:15 to 2:24 p.m., anchored by George Stephanopoulos with legal expert Dan Abrams, The Hollywood Reporter said. Stephanopoulos noted that “jaws dropped” in the studio when the verdict was delivered.
CBS News did a pullback and ran a crawl while The Talk was airing live from Los Angeles. Co-host Julie Chen struggled with her emotions as she relayed information about the verdict, the Hollywood Reporter said. Co-host Holly Robinson Peete had to help her out. The full show video is posted here — go to the 17-minute mark to see the ladies’ reaction to the verdict.
Fox provided a Fox News Channel feed to its affiliates.