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Kaufeldt Moves on to Fox at 5
Amy Kaufeldt bid goodbye to her morning co-anchors on Fox 35 Friday. She’s moving to the new "Fox at 5" evening newscast, which begins on March 6 on WOFL. Here’s what we know about the new newscast and what’s going to happen on WOFL’s morning show. The new 5 p.m….
6 fights subpoena, plus other stuff
Attorneys for Local 6 filed a motion on Monday to quash a subpoena seeking the Doug Guetzloe files from Problem Solvers reporter Tony Pipitone. WKMG GM Henry Maldonado said the station is fighting the subpoena to "protect our right to investigate." More from the Orlando Sentinel … >> Southeast Polk…
Daily Buzz ready to make big move
Moving day is near for the folks at The Daily Buzz. The Orlando-based national morning show will be vacating its home in the former WKCF-CW18 studios on Friday. The show has been headquartered in the building since moving to Central Florida in 2004. But WESH bought WKCF last year and…