A friend told me about this spectacle at the inlet, where Ospreys circle overhead hunting for fish then come crashing down to make a catch.
Tag: Osprey

Peregrine Falcon in flight at Lake Apopka
The falcon decided to swoop down from a powerline in search of a meal from the ducks and coots in one of the ponds.

Merritt Island becomes a mecca for birds
The sheer amount and different species of birds that have returned to the area for migration is impressive.

Seeing Great White Heron was thrilling surprise
For 140 years after John Audubon first cataloged this bird, the Great White Heron was considered a species separate from the Great Blue Heron.

Why Central Florida is a birding paradise
With some much geographic diversity, no wonder there’s so much birding diversity in our region.

Beach crabbing, er, birding at Canaveral National Seashore
Just before Hurricane Debby visited Florida earlier this month, I took at trip to the Canaveral National Seashore to do some pre-storm birding.

Visiting Newton Park in Winter Garden
Named after A. B. Newton, Winter Garden’s first mayor, the park sits on the north shore of Lake Apopka.

Red-headed Woodpecker makes it red-letter day on Joe Overstreet
I made a trip down to the remote birding area in Osceola County to try to see this bird that I had not seen in almost a year.

Kids (and adults) are doing just fine at Orlando Wetlands
It’s been a fantastic spring season at Orlando Wetlands watching so many different birds nest and successfully raise their young.

Birds make a splash along Biolab Road
I recently took a drive down Biolab Road, and I was pleasantly surprised by how many birds were out and about along that stretch.