It’s that time of year when little warblers seems to be almost everywhere in Central Florida.
Tag: Common Yellowthroat
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Eastern Kingbird, Blue Grosbeak round out day at Orlando Wetlands
With the temperature in the 70s, I was able to hike five miles across the Wetlands and photograph lots and lots of birds, including familiar ones and some new faces too.
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Merritt Island trip brings 3 new-to-me birds, other favorites
On a trip to the wildlife preserve, I came across some old favorites as well as three new-to-me birds: A female American Redstart, an Eastern Phoebe and a Least Flycatcher.
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Cloudy Saturday at Orlando Wetlands
It was a cloudy, overcast morning at the Orlando Wetlands when I visited it on Saturday. But, from a birding perspective, it was a good day.
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Discovering Prairie Warblers, other birds at Hal Scott Preserve
I decided to visit the Hal Scott Regional Preserve and Park to look for endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers. I didn’t find any, but did come across some other cool birds.