With some much geographic diversity, no wonder there’s so much birding diversity in our region.
Category: Birds
Pictures of the birds I have encountered during my photography adventure.

Egrets, eagles and other birds at Merritt Island
I really enjoy visiting the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge for birding, especially early in the morning.

Little birds and a little history at Brownie Wise Park
I was specifically hoping to see some migrating little birds at Brownie Wise Park, but I got a business history lesson, too.

Surprise at Brownie Wise: Bald Eagles are back
The pair of nesting Bald Eagles I found at the Kissimmee park were there first I have seen in the area since May.

Rewarding mid-morning visit to Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive
This visit was going to be much later than my usual early morning trips to LAWD. I wasn’t sure what I might find there at mid-morning.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks at Orlando Wetlands
These strange-looking brown, black and white ducks with pink feet have a special place in my heart.

Wonderful world of warblers in Lake County
I came across five different types of warblers during my visit to the Ferndale Preserve on the west side of Lake Apopka.

Yellow-throated Warbler makes welcomed return
Perhaps it’s because I went to UCF and am partial to black and gold, but the Yellow-throated Warbler is one of my favorite little birds. So you can imagine how surprised and happy I was this week when a Yellow-throated Warbler visited my backyard for the first time in about…

Appreciating Lake Apopka’s road to recovery
The variety of birds and other wildlife that you can see at Lake Apopka is pretty amazing, especially considering its sorry state just a few years ago.

Barn Swallows stop by on their way home
I was surprised to find so many Barn Swallows along Joe Overstreet Road, but their early migration let me see just how different their appearance can be.