The Green Heron is one of the smallest of the different herons we see in Central Florida, but that small size just makes them more stealthy.
Category: Orlando Wetlands

Checking in on the babies at wetlands park
I visited near sunset on Tuesday and ended up seeing three sets of youngsters – baby Roseate Spoonbills, baby Great Egrets and, of course, Sandhill Crane colts.

Evening puts Wetlands Park in new light
It wasn’t until this past Saturday that I visited Orlando Wetlands Park in the evening, and what a difference there was.

Sandhill Crane colts growing up: 1 week old
I photographed this pair of Sandhill Crane colts when they were just two days old. Now, they are a little more than a week old.

Great Egret babies: Faces only a mother could love
The first thing that came to my mind when seeing them was how prehistoric they look, like some character out of one of the Jurassic Park franchise movies.

These herons are creatures of the night
There are several different types of herons, but a couple are harder to find than others.

Baby Sandhill Crane colts make debut
Some baby Sandhill Cranes hatched late last week at Orlando Wetlands Park. The two-day-old birds were the focus of lots of attention – not just from their parents.

Two Eagles – double-trouble for birds at Orlando Wetlands Park
When hundreds of different types of birds suddenly take off, there’s usually a good reason.