As anyone who has watched a Fox 35 newscast can attest, sports is not a high priority at the station. But you would think the WOFL folks would know the difference between football and basketball. Take Sunday night, for instance. During The Simpsons, Fox 35 aired a promo for its…
Not Necessarily The News …
OK, I don’t really have a TV news peg for this, other than … uh, remember when Fox 35 use to run The Simpsons at 11 p.m. against the late local news instead of that gawd-awful Geraldo show? I do. Ah, I love The Simpsons. This Sunday the famous opening…
6 Years and Still Counting …
Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday, happy birthday to us. It was six years ago today that was born. It’s been a fantastic six years for me, and I hope you have enjoyed it too. This TV portion of the site has become its…
Reporters Shouldn’t Play in Traffic
Some news nuggets for you … >> While watching WFTV’s Eyewitness News on Monday night, I was more concerned about the safety of reporter Jodie Fleischer than what she was reporting. For a story about a plan to relieve traffic woes on the Turnpike and U.S. 192, Fleisher did a…
All You Wanted to Know About Wolf
As we mentioned awhile back, former Channel 6 meteorologist Reynolds Wolf has joined CNN. His hometown newspaper, the Clanton (Ala.) Advertiser, profiles the local boy who’s done pretty good and chronicles the big break he got to jump start his on-air career. "I’ve always been interested in weather, but the…
O-Town Gets Notice on Colbert Report
Orlando received a TV shout-out from Comedy Central’s Colbert Report, quite possibly the funniest show on television. Host Stephen Colbert, in a segment called “Who’s Attacking Me Now?,” took Orlando Sentinel columnist Commander Coconut to task … for making fun of his ears. Colbert, in a phone interview with the…
It’s Spring Break Time in O-Town
Spring time: I’m taking a few days off from work this week, and I’m not alone. It’s spring break time but for many O-Town anchors. Just flipping around the dial last night, I discovered these anchors are also taking time off this week: WFTV — Bob Opsahl, Martie Salt, Tom…
A Look at CFN’s New Toys
I told you awhile back that CFN turned on its new outdoors screen and news zipper across its new home in downtown Orlando. Well, finally, here are some pictures. It’s pretty cool.
E.T. Phone Home — 13’s Space-Age Oops
I put up a post Thursday morning about a big NASA announcement that Central Florida News 13 was promoting on its web site. "An Exclusive E.T. Scoop for CFN 13?," I asked in the headline. It was indeed a scoop — just a wrong one. And it ignited a series…
An Exclusive E.T. Scoop for CFN 13?
Saw this posted on Central Florida News 13’s web site this morning. Sounds pretty big, but there’s no mention of it on,, or any of the other local station’s web sites. So, is this a scoop by 13? Big NASA Announcement Today NASA is planning to make…