Former WESH anchor John O’Connor was arrested early Sunday in Jacksonville on suspicion of driving under the influence. O’Connor, now the main anchor for Jacksonville’s CBS 47, was pulled over after police said his car stopped beyond the pavement marker at a red light. Police said O’Connor’s eyes were watery,…
WFTV goes from reporting news to becoming news
In the past couple of weeks, WFTV has gone from reporting the news to becoming the news. This past weekend brought national attention to Channel 9’s Eyewitness News for its Barbara West interview of Joe Biden. The anchor’s grilling of the veep candidate was the top story on and…
Barbara West interview with Joe Biden getting national attention
Barbara West’s interview with Joe Biden for Eyewitness News is now getting national attention. The Orlando Sentinel blog post about the controversial interview is the No. 1 link on right now on Saturday night. The Internet is abuzz about the interview. “Barbara West” is the No. 7 most searched…
WFTV’s Barbara West defends much-discussed interview with Joe Biden (with video)
WFTV anchor Barbara West is defending her questioning of Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden. “I have a great deal of respect for him. I have a great deal of respect for Sen. Obama,” West told Orlando Sentinel TV critic Hal Boedeker. “We are given four minutes of a satellite window…
Former WKMG anchor Jacquie Sosa joining WOFL
Jacquie Sosa, who was paired with Mark McEwen in one of the earlier (and unsuccessful) attempts to revive WKMG’s morning news, will be back on TV in the mornings starting Thursday — the first day of the November sweeps. Sosa is the newest co-anchor of the Fox 35 Morning News…
Obama campaign shuts out WFTV after West interviews Biden
Supposedly unhappy with how WFTV anchor Barbara West conducted an inteview with Democrate VP candidate Joe Biden, the Barack Obama campaign has told Channel 9 not to expect any more interviews through the duration of the presidential race. reports that what so offended the Obama campaign was when West…
Quick hits: WESH’s Share Your Christmas, and paying for Casey coverage
Four Friday quick hits to end the work week: With the economy being in the tank, WESH’s annual Share Your Christmas takes on added importance. The drive is already under way in its planning stages. The station has posted a list of needed items and is listing where the…
Channel 9’s Echols helping cancer patients
WFTV morning and noon anchor Vanessa Echols went through a very public battle with breast cancer four years ago. Today, she’s healthy, in remission and giving something back. She has founded the Compassionate Hands and Hearts Breast Cancer Outreach, a volunteer group that helps breast-cancer patients with errands, visits to the doctor and…
WFTV crew thrown out of Casey Anthony news conference
Local coverage of the Casey Anthony saga continues to go beyond bizarre. On Tuesday, the day an Orange Count grand jury handed down a murder indictment for Casey Anthony, a crew from WFTV was thrown out of a press conference by Anthony’s attorney. At the office of attorney Jose Baez,…
Sorry WESH — NBC pulls plug on WeatherPlus
Anyone with concepts for a new weather slogan or ideas on how to program digital channel 2.2 should contact WESH-TV. NBC has decided to kill its WeatherPlus franchise and informed employees on Tuesday, TV Week reported. The operation will be phased out in stages over the next year. WESH is…