A lot of birds show off with beautiful colors, but this little one shows that black and white can be brilliant colors on their own.

Hooded Mergansers return to Oviedo
It took several visits to the same pond I saw them in last year before I came across these little ducks again, but the effort was worth it.

Orlando Wetlands is a bit more colorful
It’s more colorful at the Orlando Wetlands with the return of pink Roseate Spoonbills and the arrival of blue-and-white Tree Swallows

Merritt Island becomes a mecca for birds
The sheer amount and different species of birds that have returned to the area for migration is impressive.

Snow Bunting a true snowbird visitor to Florida
This beautiful little bird is typically spends its summers in the arctic areas and winters in southern Canada or northern U.S. states.

A little time for the little birds
It’s the time of the year when little birds – warblers, wrens, sparrows and others – seem to be just about everywhere.

Thanksgiving with Vermilion Flycatcher
This little lost bird has become quite the attraction – no doubt due to his fearlessness and his location.

On the coast: Birds back after the storm
It wasn’t until fairly recently that Black Point Wildlife Drive and Bio Lab Road re-opened. Some other areas still remain closed because of high water or flooding damage.

Circle of life: Breakfast with Peregrine Falcon
Yards in front of my car, a Peregrine Falcon swooped down and grabbed a Common Gallinule, taking the bird to the top of a power pole for breakfast.

Lost Vermilion Flycatcher now a big celebrity
A wayward male Vermilion Flycatcher has become quite the attraction at the Orlando Wetlands after possibly being brought to the area by a recent hurricane..