They’re what you watch — or maybe don’t watch — between the news, weather and sports on Orlando TV. Either way, you can’t avoid them.
They’re the iconic commercials that dot the television landscape in Central Florida. Orlando Sentinel TV Guy Hal Boedeker takes a look at several of the local TV ad stars — Tom Park, Sam Pak and John Morgan.
Boedeker reports: “Some advertisers can’t be missed. Toyota of Orlando does 60 to 80 commercials per month for Central Florida. Attorney Morgan has 40 spots running at any time in this TV market.”
But, for my money, the Orlando ad pitchmen Hall of Fame has to include Sam Behr, who was the spokesman for Allied Discounts Tires in the 1980s, as well as Art Grindle and, later, son Artie Grindle. Behr’s catch phrase was “Tires ain’t pretty.” The Grindles’ lines were “I want to sell you a car!” for dad, which later became “I want to sell you a van!” for Artie. Click on the videos below to see some old-school Orlando TV commercials. (And just turn on your TV for the current crop!).
>> Scroll to the 1 minute mark to see the Sam Behr commercial …
>> Scroll to the 30 second mark to see the Artie Grindle ad …