I needed an airplane to get to Orlando Wetlands Park on Tuesday. Seriously.
Here’s what happened. A small private plane had to make an emergency landing on State Road 50 near Christmas, and I went out to get a picture of it to go with our story on our website. But since I was all ready in the neighborhood … why not drop by OWP?
A small private plane had to make an emergency landing on State Road 50 near Christmas. It was then moved to the median to allow traffic to get by in both directions.
And I am glad I did. I had another chance to photograph a Northern Parula — the nemesis bird I posted about recently. Until earlier this month, I had not been able to get a decent photo of the little warbler.
Now, I had a chance to try to improve on my previous photos. I think I did.
A tiny Northern Parula grabs an even tinier worm from a plant at Orlando Wetlands Park on May 23, 2023.This is a male Norther Parula at Orlando Wetlands Park on May 23, 2023.. You can tell the males from the females by the little chestnut band under the neck.A Northern Parula sings at Orlando Wetlands Park on May 23, 2023. The little warblers are well-known at the park for their songs.This Nothern Parula is giving me a “really? you need another shot ?” look at Orlando Wetlands Park on May 23, 2023.
Peafowl is the name for birds that I grew up calling peacocks – but only the male peafowl are called that. The females are called peahens, and their babies are called peachicks.